手びねりで形作り、把手をつけることで出来上がる絶妙なバランスが魅力です。本体と把手の組み合わせで出来上がるピッチャーの形は無限。一品一品、作品の表情が異なります。 ゆったりとした美しいフォルムのこの作品は置いてあるだけで絵になります。花器としてもご使用いただけます。
The exquisite balance achieved by forming the pitcher by hand and attaching the handles is appealing. The combination of the body and the handle creates an infinite number of pitcher shapes. Each piece has its own unique expression. The spacious and beautiful form of this piece makes it a picture just by being placed on the table. It can also be used as a vase.
The shipment will be made after April 11.
¥25,000 +tax
作品詳細 details
価格 price | :¥25,000 (税込 ¥27,500- ) |
サイズ size | :約w23×h23×d17 cm |
重さ weight | :約 1512g |
作家 artist | :厚川 文子 ATSUKAWA Fumiko |
素材 material | :陶器 ceramic |
International Shopping 海外発送について
This piece is available for international shipping. Please check the link page below and contact us using the form.
» About International Shopping
» Order Form (English)
If you contact us, we will contact you by e-mail with details of the payment and shipping costs.
厚川文子ATSUKAWA Fumiko