由良薫子 YURA Kaoruko / 盆怪 狐など Y7 object

The theme of the small world made me think of bonsai and bonsai landscapes. Bonsai is like a bonsai tree, which divides the world by its pedestal, and by finding something (a living creature or a yokai) in it, we can pay more attention to and enjoy a small, different world. I hope that people will use the fox as a starting point to discover other creatures and yokai, and enjoy them as well.

This piece will be shipped after August 24. Thank you for your understanding.

¥27,000 +tax


作品詳細 details

価格 price :¥ 27,000
サイズ size :w4.5×d3.5×h8cm
重さ weight :約 60g
作家 artist :由良薫子 YURA Kaoruko
素材 material :陶土 ceramics

International Shopping 海外発送について


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由良薫子YURA Kaoruko

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YURA Kaoruko

