大石早矢香・OISHI Sayaka

OISHI Sayaka Profile

1980年  京都府生まれ
2004年  京都市立芸術大学美術学部陶磁器専攻卒業
・第32回長三賞常滑陶芸展・自由造形部門 長三賞(愛知/愛知県陶磁美術館他)
・Hen Hyang Lim Onggi Museum(韓国)
・韓国陶磁財団・Icheon world ceramic center(韓国)

(pottery history)
1980 Born in Kyoto, Japan
2004 Graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts, Department of Ceramics
Myer x Shigaraki Grand Prix Exhibition, Silver Award (USA/Mayer Garden and others)
The 32nd Chosan Award Tokoname Ceramics Exhibition, Free Style (Aichi/Aichi Ceramic Art Museum and others)
Nominated for the 23rd Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art
Hen Hyang Lim Onggi Museum (Korea)
The Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park (Shiga)
Korean Ceramic Foundation and Icheon world ceramic center (Korea)
Hagi Museum of Fine Arts, Hagi, Yamaguchi, Japan, and Urakami Memorial Museum, Yamaguchi