平野傑・Tsuyoshi HIRANO


Artist Profile

1968 年 大阪生まれ。
フランスの文化に影響され、1992 年に渡仏。1995 年にフランスを代表するル・モンド紙に大々的に挿絵が掲載される。これを機に Cartier をはじめ、CELINE、ISSEY MIYAKE、などの様々な ハイブランドとのコラボレーションで作品を提供し、一躍注目される。 その後、自身の作品制作を精力的に行い、個展や展覧会を開催。 「Tsuyoshi HIRANO.」という独自の世界観を確立する。 彼がしなやかに醸し出す雰囲気のライブペイントイベントも好評を博し、全国各地で行っている。 現在、東京、パリ、ニューヨークを拠点にグローバルに活躍中。

Born in 1968 in Osaka, Japan.
Influenced by French culture, he moved to France in 1992. In 1995, his illustrations were published extensively in Le Monde, a leading French newspaper. In 1995, his illustrations were published extensively in Le Monde, one of France's leading newspapers. He has since been energetically producing his own works and holding solo exhibitions and shows. He has established his own unique world view called "Tsuyoshi HIRANO. His live painting events with a supple atmosphere have also been well received, and he holds them all over Japan. Currently based in Tokyo, Paris, and New York, he is active globally.