小泉巧・KOIZUMI Takumi

KOIZUMI Takumi Profile

1994年京都生まれ。2018年富山大学大学院芸術文化学研究科芸術文化学専攻修了。 紙に漆を塗る”紙胎”という技法を主に用いて、日常に使う道具や立体作品を制作。現在富山大学芸術文化学部 助教をしている。

Born in 1994 in Kyoto, Japan, she graduated from the Graduate School of Art and Design, University of Toyama in 2018. She creates everyday tools and three-dimensional works mainly using a technique called "kashitai", in which lacquer is applied to paper. She is currently an assistant professor at the Faculty of Art and Design, University of Toyama.