山口博子・YAMAGUCHI Hiroko

YAMAGUCHI Hiroko Profile

1984年  熊本県 天草に生まれる
2011年  丸尾焼5代目 金澤一弘、弥和の元で陶芸を始める
2022年  キムホノの研修生となる。
2023年  工房を新たにし、今に至る。

2014年  天草大陶磁器展グランプリ受賞
2015年  天草大陶磁器展審査委員キム・ホノ賞受賞 
2019年  天草大陶磁器展審査委員藤原惠洋賞受賞

1984 Born in Amakusa, Kumamoto 
2011 Started pottery under Kazuhiro Kanazawa and Yawa, the fifth generation of Maruo Pottery. 
Later, while working with her husband at the Ichisaki Kiln of Ojiro-yaki, Hiroko Yamaguchi produced her own works. Mainly works in Kyushu 
2022 Became a trainee of Kim Hono 
2023 Newly established her own studio. 
2014 Awarded the Grand Prix at the Amakusa Grand Ceramics Exhibition 
2015 Awarded the Kim Hono Prize by the Jury of the Amakusa Grand Ceramics Exhibition  
2019 Awarded Fujiwara Keiyo Prize by the jury of Amakusa Grand Ceramics Exhibition