大森 準平 OMORI Junpei / OMJ-28-37  of many faces

表面と裏面のコントラストを楽しんでいただきたい作品です。 モダンな構成表現の表面と、オレンジが効いた落ち着いた色味の裏面の組み合わせの作品です。展示では60点の仮面作品が並びました。器としてもご利用いただけます。
This work is inspired by the image of a mask. The contrast between the front and back sides of this work is meant to be enjoyed. The work combines a modern compositional expression on the front side and the back side, which has a subdued orange coloring. Sixty mask works were displayed at the exhibition.It can also be used as a vessel.
*The works will be shipped after September 17.

¥10,000 +tax


作品詳細 details

価格 price :¥10,000 (税込 ¥11,000- )
サイズ size :w15.4×d5×h14.5cm
重さ weight :約 204g
作家 artist :大森準平 OMORI Junpei
素材 material :陶ceramics 

International Shopping 海外発送について


This piece is available for international shipping. Please check the link page below and contact us using the form.

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大森準平OMORI Junpei

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OMORI Junpei
