storage 2020 saa R50 / storage 2020 saa R50

About the size of a small watermelon. Glaze is poured into an earthenware container, overflowed with glaze, and then covered with more colored glaze. The legs are made from a persimmon tree from the garden and coated with fresh lacquer from Iwate Prefecture. It is also used to bond to the ceramic clay.


¥58,000 +tax


作品詳細 details

価格 price :¥58,000+tax
サイズ size : 約 w17×d12×h18 cm
重さ weight :約 2200g
作家 artist :澤田 麟太郎 SAWADA Rintaro
素材 material :陶・漆・木材・石 ceramic,Japanese lacquer,wood,stone


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