矢尾板克則 YAOITA Katsunori / YK19 ひさし wall hanging

This is an eave that looks like it belongs to an old shopping street. The diagonal lines and the austere light blue give it a nice atmosphere. The shadows cast by sunlight and lighting are also beautiful in this wall hanging work.

¥50,000 +tax


作品詳細 details

価格 price :¥50,000 (税込 ¥55,000 )
サイズ size :約 w31.5×h10×d8.5 cm
重さ weight :約 1150g
作家 artist :矢尾板 克則 YAOITA Katsunori
素材 material :陶器 ceramic


International Shopping 海外発送について


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YAOITA Katsunori

