日置哲也 HIKOKI Tetuya / 白磁クルクル鉢 HT21 planter

This is a work made of white porcelain that has been made into a board and wound around and around. The modeling with added pressure is very cool. The texture of the plum blossom bark on the feldspar glaze is modern and effective. There is no hole in the bottom of this piece, but there is a gap so water cannot be poured in. It can be used as a flower vase if you put a cup or something in it. It can be used as a flower pot.

¥30,000 +tax


作品詳細 details

価格 price :¥30,000+tax
サイズ size :約 w15×d12×h20 cm
重さ weight :約 1820g
作家 artist :日置哲也 HIOKI Tetsuya
素材 material :陶器 ceramic


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