鈴木由衣 Yui Suzuki / SY63-1i お雛様(沈丁花・ポピー)

※作品の発送は1月30日(火)以降の発送となります。ご了承ください。This is a very lovely ceramic doll that can be held in the hand. The Odairi-Sama is decorated with a daphne, and the Ohina-Sama with a poppy in gosu. The Shigaraki white clay is decorated with a rough sketch, overglaze, and gold color for a flamboyant finish.The pedestal is a ceramic plate with a dry texture.This work comes with a folding screen painted in oil.
*The folding screens are not finished with omotegi, but are made of oil painted paper folded into a folding screen.Colored with oil paints on Arches paper.

¥90,000 +tax


作品詳細 details

価格 price :¥90,000 (税込 ¥99,000 )
サイズ size :約w18.5×d13.5×h6.3cm / 屏風 約w19.5×h13.5cm
重さ weight :約 910g
作家 artist :鈴木由衣 SUZUKI Yui
素材 material :陶器 ceramic


International Shopping 海外発送について


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Yui Suzuki
