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畳 tatami’s antique / tatami_K-18i 民画(犬)

Folk painting of a dog on handmade paper (hanji). Framed in black aluminum. 50-60 years old.
*This is an antique item. Please purchase with your understanding.

¥58,000 +tax


作品詳細 details

価格 price :¥58,000 (税込 ¥63,800- )
サイズ size :約w43xh35xd2.5 cm
重さ weight :1106 g
DEALERS :kikue
素材 material :韓紙Korean paper

International Shopping 海外発送について


This piece is available for international shipping. Please check the link page below and contact us using the form.

» About International Shopping
» Order Form (English)

If you contact us, we will contact you by e-mail with details of the payment and shipping costs.

tatami’s antique
