exhibition 020
“棲家 sumika” ceramics exhibition
exhibition 020
“棲家 sumika” ceramics exhibition
2018年monolith&soilmans note結成したグループです。
monolith | モノリス
作家プロフィール profile 〉
Some of the works in this exhibition will be on sale at the webshop from 12:00 on Saturday, May 15.
This exhibition, the members of Monolith propose a new home for abandoned cacti.
Monolith was founded in 2017 in Tajimi City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan.
Monolith is a project by HIOKI Tetsuya of Kaneri touryo and KATO Takaya of Tsukasa Electric Furnace.
They invited ceramic artists NOMURA Kayo, TANAKA Taro, and MIYASHITA Shota to join their group and started to share techniques, information, and materials to create the next generation of pottery and industry. This is a group formed in 2018 by monolith & soilmans note.
This project began with the desire to create a new home for the cacti that the monolith members had found and removed from circulation.
Please enjoy the pots created by the five artists.
A group of cacti met at a certain place.
The cacti had been carefully nurtured, but the owner, an old man, had passed away.
The cacti had been carefully nurtured, but the owner, an old man, passed away and they were left in the house.After the death of the owner, the cacti were left in the house.
This is the first time I’ve seen such a plant and the monoliths have met, and they have given a new home to a plant that has lost its destination.
The monoliths met with these plants and gave them a new home, like a parasite, like a host tree.
A home for plants.
日置哲也 HIOKI Tetsuya
1976 岐阜県各務原市生まれ
2001 岐阜県立多治見工業高校専攻科卒
2018 実験的素材研究バンド「monolith&soilmans note」結成。
加藤貴也 KATO Takaya
2003 愛知県立瀬戸窯業高等学校 専攻科陶芸科 卒業
2003 青年海外協力隊 陶磁器隊員としてザンビア共和国に派遣
2007 多治見市陶磁器意匠研究所 セラミックス・ラボ 卒業
2016 司電気炉研究所(シェア工房) OPEN
2018 実験的素材研究バンド monolith & soilmans note 結成
2020 tsukasa wonder mug OPEN
野村佳代 NOMURA Kayo
1984 大阪府生まれ
2007 武蔵野美術大学芸術文化学科 卒業
2009 多治見市陶磁器意匠研究所 修了
2018 実験的素材研究バンドmonolith & soilmans note 結成
田中太郎 TANAKA Taro
1990 東京都に生まれる
2015 京都精華大学大学院芸術研究科前期博士課程修了多治見市に移住
2018 実験的素材研究バンド「monolith&soilmans note」結成
現在 野良仕事やスパイスカレー研究をしながら野焼きで土器を制作
宮下将太 MIYASHITA shota
1992 神奈川県、横須賀市に誕生
1996 千葉県、木更津市に移住
2010 東京、表参道にて美容師に従事
2013 東京、表参道にてレストランに従事
2016 陶芸に出逢い、岐阜県土岐市に移住、弟子入
2018 実験的素材研究バンド「monolith&soilmans note」結成
2019 独立、岐阜県土岐市に工房を構える
HIOKI Tetsuya
1976 Born in Kakamigahara City, Gifu Prefecture
2001 Graduated from Tajimi Technical High School
2001 Graduated from Tajimi Technical High School, Gifu Prefecture, Japan.
2018 Formed experimental material research band “monolith&soilmans note”.
He is currently working for Kaneri touryo.
Currently, as a representative of Kaneri touryo, he continues various activities while running his own clay business.
KATO Takaya
2003 Graduated from Seto Ceramics High School, Aichi Prefecture, majoring in ceramics.
2003 Dispatched to the Republic of Zambia as a member of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) Ceramics Team.
2007 Graduated from Ceramics Laboratory, Tajimi City Institute of Ceramic Design
2016 Tsukasa Electric Furnace Laboratory (Share Studio) OPEN
2018 Formed experimental material research band monolith & soilmans note
2020 tsukasa wonder mug OPEN
1984 Born in Osaka
2007 Graduated from Musashino Art University
2007 Graduated from Musashino Art University, Department of Art and Design
2009 Completed Tajimi City Institute of Ceramic Design
2018 Formed experimental material research band monolith & soilmans note
1990 Born in Tokyo, Japan
2015 Completed the first semester of the doctoral course at Kyoto Seika University Graduate School of Arts, moved to Tajimi City
2018 Formed experimental material research band “monolith&soilmans note
Currently working in the field, studying spice curry, and making earthenware by burning in the field.
1992 Born in Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture
1996 Moved to Kisarazu City, Chiba Prefecture
2010 Worked as a hairdresser in Omotesando, Tokyo
2013 Worked at a restaurant in Omotesando, Tokyo
2016 Moved to Toki City, Gifu Prefecture and became an apprentice after encountering ceramics
2018 Formed experimental material research band “monolith&soilmans note
2019 Became independent and set up a studio in Toki City, Gifu Prefecture.