exhibition 098




ソ・イブ 「おやすみなさい」
2024.7.6sat – 7.14sun 12:00 ~ 19:00



– 胸が膨らみ、脇に毛が生え始めた時、私の体も心もどこに向かえばいいのか分かりませんでした。
– 人間として、女性としての時計は速く回り、私の本質的な機能が色あせていくのを感じています。
– 期限のない約束を待ちながら、私は次第に世の中から消えていきそうです。
– 新しい場所に進む勇気が次第に無くなっていくようです。
– 調教されたサーカス団の象のように、繰り返し襲ってくる不安の中に私は次第に閉じ込められていきます。





追伸 韓国には「불멍(プルモン)」という言葉があります。文字通り火をぼんやりと見つめるその行為と瞬間を言うのです。去年の夏、日本で作業していたその時間、私は全く不安を感じず、幸せでした。その時、私はただ燃え上がる炎をただ見つめていただけだったからだと思います。あなたにその時の炎も一緒に同封して送ります。


作家プロフィール profile 〉

SUH Eve “good night” 
2024.7.6sat – 7.14sunn 12:00 ~ 19:00

We are pleased to present “good night” a solo exhibition by Korean ceramic artist SUH Eve. In this exhibition, she will present stories related to “anxiety” and “sleeplessness. Please read the text created by Ms. Eve and enjoy her works.

Dear M
Hearing you say that you’ve been struggling with anxiety and sleepless nights lately has made me ponder deeply. I too was a child filled with anxiety from a young age. Many were the nights I couldn’t sleep. And last night, during one of those sleepless nights, I listed my long-standing anxieties one by one.

– When my breasts began to grow and hair started to form under my arms, I did not know where my body or mind should go. – As a human and as a woman, the clock seems to be ticking rapidly, and I feel that my essential functions are fading. – Waiting for an uncertain promise, I felt myself gradually disappearing from the world. – My courage to venture into new places seemed to be dwindling. – Like an elephant in a tamed circus, I feel increasingly trapped in a recurring cycle of anxiety.

The most despairing moment among these was when I realized that, despite the long time that had passed—long enough for my hair to drag on the floor—I still appeared to be the same little child. The girl who loved to draw still works alone in her studio. The difference now is that the act which once made me happy and whole, now it sometimes isolates and unsettles me. There are times when I pity myself, hesitating at the crossroads, unable to move forward or back. Like Persephone, who could no longer return to the earth after unknowingly eating the four pomegranate seeds while traveling between the underworld (death) and the surface (life), I wish there was a pomegranate placed before me.

Psyche, despite the goddess’s warnings, eventually opened Pandora’s box and fell into a deep sleep sealed inside. After sleepless nights of anxiety, I desperately searched for that box to fall asleep. And the box I finally found surprisingly looked like me. It was only when I opened the lid of my deep-seated abyss and accepted the anxieties and wounds I had been avoiding, it was only then that I could release the seal of sleep and fall into it.

It is still scary to close my eyes in the dark night. So, I called upon an owl yokai to guard my sleep. This owl yokai, with flower-shaped eyelids, stands watch all night without blinking. If anxiety approaches to wake me, it hunts and devours it with its sharp-clawed right foot. And if I whimper in shallow sleep, it gently pats my back with its soft left hand.

  If Pandora’s box or the owl yokai is of no use to you, I want to offer you a poppy flower. So you may dream a slightly fragrant sweet dream.

P.S. In Korea, there is a word called “bul-meong.” It literally means the act and moment of staring blankly at the fire. During the time I worked in Japan last summer, I was not anxious at all, I was happy. I think it was because I was just watching the blazing fire at that moment. I enclose with this letter the flame of that time for you.

Late at night, your Eve
Good night









ソ・イブ SUH Eve lineup»


ソ・イブ / 잘자요
2021弘益大学校一般大学院陶芸専攻 卒業(ソウル・韓国)
2016 ソウル市立大学校環境彫刻学科 卒業(ソウル・韓国)
2023ソオルン 30/QArchive (ソウル・韓国)
2021自発的漂流/WWW SPACE(ソウル・韓国)
2023 キャンプファイヤー/丸沼芸術の森(埼玉・日本)
2022ソウルサムラムSAMOORAM (ソウル・韓国)
2020インドDakshina Chitra美術館(チェンナイ・インド)
2019 新北市立鴬歌陶磁博物館(台湾)

2021 Graduated from Hongik University, Department of General Graduate School of Ceramics (Seoul, Korea)
2016 Graduated from Seoul National University, Department of Environmental Sculpture (Seoul, Korea)
-Personal Exhibition-.
2023 Seo-Orn 30/QArchive (Seoul, Korea)
2021 Spontaneous Drift/WWW SPACE(Seoul, Korea)
2023 Campfire / Marunuma Art Forest(Saitama, Japan)
-Public Collection
2022 Seoul SAMOORAM (Seoul, Korea)
2020 Dakshina Chitra Museum (Chennai, India)
2019 New Taipei Municipal Yingge Ceramic Museum (New Taipei, Taiwan)