キムホノ KIM Hono / KH d8-4

A beautiful floral wall hanging in glossy ancient purple. This piece has a nice contrast with the matte patterned part.
*This item will be shipped after November 2nd. Please note that this item will be shipped after November 2.

¥60,000 +tax


作品詳細 details

価格 price :¥60,000 (税込 ¥66,000 )
サイズ size :約 w13×h22×d16 cm
重さ weight :約 1110g
作家 artist :キムホノ KIM Hono
素材 material :陶器 ceramic


International Shopping 海外発送について


This piece is available for international shipping. Please check the link page below and contact us using the form.

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If you contact us, we will contact you by e-mail with details of the payment and shipping costs.


キムホノKIM Hono

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KIM Hono
