野中麟太郎 NONAKA Rintaro / NR-42 stone will

The contrast between the texture of the clay and the rough stone is striking. The stones and clay, which melt and overlap each other, create a unique texture that resembles a geological stratum. It can also be used as a vase.This work is produced by applying the technique of "pate de verre". A mold is made of refractory clay to enclose a semi-porcelain vessel that has been turned on a potter's wheel, and the space between the vessel and the mold is filled with clay stones or clay that melts during firing.
※After firing, the mold is peeled off and polished.
※The works will be shipped after the exhibition ends on August 14.

¥28,000 +tax


作品詳細 details

価格 price :¥28,000 (税込 ¥30,800)
サイズ size :約w13×d13×h17cm
重さ weight :約1560g
作家 artist :野中麟太郎NONAKA Rintaro
素材 material :半磁土semi-porcelain,花崗岩granite

International Shopping 海外発送について


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野中麟太郎NONAKA Rintaro

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NONAKA Rintaro
