This series, named "Kamajisa" (which means "unsociable" or "stubborn" in Okinawan), makes use of the weight of ebony and the expression of the bark that is left on purpose. The wood is made from wood that has been damaged by typhoons and other disasters, and the cracks and insect holes have been left intact. The mouth is small and cannot hold water, but it has a strong presence as an objet d'art.
¥15,000 +tax
作品詳細 details
価格 price | :¥15,000 (税込 ¥16,500 ) |
サイズ size | :約 w8×d7.6×h14 cm |
重さ weight | :約 380g |
作家 artist | :西石垣 友里子 NISHIISHIGAKI Yuriko |
素材 material | :黒檀 Ebony |
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