篠原猛史・大森準平・SHINOHARA Takesh・OMORI Junpei

SHINOHARA Takeshi 篠原猛史 lineup»

OMORI Junpei 大森準平 lineup»



1979年名古屋生まれ。京都精華大学芸術学部で陶芸を学び、ある博物館で縄文土器の中でもより装飾的な火焔土器を見て衝撃を受け、以後「縄文」をテーマとした作品を制作。2012年にはデンマークのレジデンスに参加し、作品がDenmark Keramik Museumにコレクションされ、同年ASIA WEEK NY 2012では代表として、NYの新聞の一面を飾る。2019年スイスでの「Art Barsel」への参加など、国内に留まらず国外でも評価が高まっている。

Born in Kyoto, Japan in 1951, he graduated from Osaka University of Arts in 1973 and Pratt Institute in New York in 1981. He has been expressing and working on realistic issues such as the continuous cycle of nature and its relationship due to human activities, without distinguishing between three-dimensional and two-dimensional, abstract and figurative.

OMORI Junpei
Born in Nagoya in 1979. After studying ceramics at Kyoto Seika University, he was shocked to see more decorative Jomon pottery at a museum, and since then, he has been creating works based on the theme of “Jomon”. 2012, he participated in a residency in Denmark, where his works were collected by the Denmark Keramik Museum, and in the same year, they were featured on the front page of a New York newspaper as a representative of Denmark Keramik Museum. His works have been highly acclaimed not only in Japan but also abroad, including his participation in “Art Barsel” in Switzerland in 2019.<