1993. 武蔵野美術大学短期大学部専攻科陶磁コース修了
1996. 木の制作をはじめる
2002. 小田原木のクラフトコンペ 奨励賞(神奈川)
2003. 朝日現代クラフト展 入選 高岡クラフトコンペ 入選 ハンズ大賞 入選
2006. 朝日現代クラフト展 優秀賞 工芸都市高岡2006クラフトコンペ審査員賞
2013. 京都 南山城村にて工房開設
1993 Completed the Ceramic Course, Musashino Art University Junior College of Art and Design
Began to work with wood.
2002. Odawara Wood Craft Competition, Encouragement Prize (Kanagawa)
Selected, Asahi Contemporary Craft Exhibition, Takaoka Craft Competition, Hands Grand Prize, 2006.
Asahi Contemporary Craft Exhibition, Excellent Prize, Craft Competition Takaoka 2006, Judge's Prize.
Established a studio in Minamiyamashiro Village, Kyoto, Japan.
Many other solo and group exhibitions.