佐古 馨 SAKO Kaoru / ナラ SK D46 flower vase

Cylindrical vase with a height of 31cm. The copper plate decoration is unique. The surface is partially coated with rusty lacquer and finished with wiping lacquer. The inside is coated with lacquer, so it can be filled with water.

¥90,000 +tax


作品詳細 details

価格 price :¥90,000 (税込 ¥99,000 )
サイズ size :約 φ14×h31 cm
重さ weight :約 1630g
作家 artist :佐古馨 SAKO Kaoru
素材 material :木・漆・銅 wood,japanese lacquer,copper


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SAKO Kaoru

佐古 馨SAKO Kaoru

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SAKO Kaoru

