キムホノ KIM Hono / KH c22-3

[first part, new work] This is a beautiful white work of art in which KIM's shapes are gathered and clothed. The top part of the lid can be removed. It is made of fired porcelain clay. There is no glaze on it.
*These works will be shipped after October 15.
* Due to the delicate nature of this work, it cannot be shipped overseas.

¥80,000 +tax


作品詳細 details

価格 price :¥80,000 (税込 ¥88,000 )
サイズ size :約 w12.5×d11×h33 cm
重さ weight :約 1560g
作家 artist :キムホノ KIM Hono
素材 material :陶器 ceramic


International Shopping 海外発送について


This piece is available for international shipping. Please check the link page below and contact us using the form.

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» Order Form (English)

If you contact us, we will contact you by e-mail with details of the payment and shipping costs.


キムホノKIM Hono

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KIM Hono
