the colors are coming group exhibition“the colors are coming" / 面 / ヴィーナス HK 27

「面 / ヴィーナス」今回の展示で一番大きな作品です。髪の毛の造形の面白さと色の美しさ魅力満載の力作です。アクリルガッシュを何層にも塗っては彫りを繰り返す事により生まれた質感が魅力と造形のユニークさが魅力です。
"Surface / Venus"This is the largest work in this exhibition. The interesting modeling of the hair and the beauty of the colors make this a powerful work full of charm. The texture created by repeatedly applying and carving layers of acrylic gouache is appealing, as is the uniqueness of the modeling.This work will be shipped after September 27th, after the exhibition.

¥350,000 +tax


作品詳細 details

価格 price :¥350,000 (税込 ¥385,000 )
サイズ size :約 w42×h38.5×d11 cm
重さ weight :約 3830g
作家 artist :はっとりこうへい HATTORI Kouhei
素材 material :木 wood


International Shopping 海外発送について


This piece is available for international shipping. Please check the link page below and contact us using the form.

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group exhibition“the colors are coming"

