田中 彰 TANAKA Sho / E-5 海のたてがみ

Seaweed attached to rocks that appear at low tide. It is said that the movement of the tide causes it to bunch up and take on a strong, standing hair-like shape.
The woodblocks are burned and engraved with an electric heating pen. Washi paper produced in Hitachi-Omiya City, Ibaraki Prefecture, is used. Limited edition of 7 copies. Works will be shipped approximately 2 weeks after purchase.

¥18,000 +tax


作品詳細 details

価格 price :¥18,000 (税込 ¥19,800 )
サイズ size :16×25 cm
作家 artist :田中彰 TANAKA Sho
素材 material :木版画、和紙、油性インク Woodcut print, Japanese paper, oil-based ink

International Shopping 海外発送について


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